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Your Red Sea Moment

“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided.” (Exodus 14:21)

Beloved family of God:

In the history of the nation of Israel, no miracle is so monumental as the parting of the Red Sea that allowed Israel to cross on dry ground to safety. It is a miracle where God’s deliverance manifested in a tangible way through a mighty demonstration of His power over the forces of nature. It is where the Israelite’s silent deliverance through the Passover culminated in a resounding physical “passover” deliverance from destruction to safety. Both momentous events, the Passover and the Red Sea Crossing saw the deliverance of God’s people and death to their enemies. However, the Red Sea parting miracle is a visible spectacle that put a punctuation on God’s promise to set His people free from bondage in Egypt. In His faithfulness, God will stop at nothing to deliver His people in spite of seemingly insurmountable circumstances. You see, the word “insurmountable” is not in God’s vocabulary.

It is no wonder that the event of the Red Sea parting and crossing is commemorated and celebrated by Israel through their generations. The event is sang in many of the Psalms. Archaeologists discovered pillars supposedly erected by King Solomon on the opposite banks of the Red Sea where the actual crossing took place. In memorializing this spectacular event, Israel glorifies God, declares His power and remembers His faithfulness. Exodus 15:1-18, is a glorious tribute to God that was sang by Moses the man of God right after they witnessed this miracle from where the expression “Biblical proportions” came from.

I was in Saudi Arabia in early 2020, before the global pandemic set in. I remember seeing the pristine, clear waters of the Red Sea as well as its vastness. There are recent discoveries that the Israelites did not cross the part of the Red Sea that leads to the Sinai Peninsula but rather the one that ends up in present day Saudi Arabia. This beautiful body of water that I saw will forever be a testament to God’s power and faithfulness that will save His people through the most impossible of situations. When the Israelites saw the pursuing chariots of Pharaoh behind them and the Red Sea before them, they thought that they were hopelessly trapped. But God set them up in that impossible situation in order for them to put their trust in Him that He will deliver and get them through. Yes, even if it took parting a mighty sea and clearing dry ground for the nation to walk on. Hallelujah!

In these times of the coronavirus, political division and threats to religious freedom, let us remember that God is never unaware of the plight of His people. Neither is He late in delivering those who call upon Him. He operates not according to our ways and timetable, but will deliver when all seem lost and without hope, when our collective backs are against the wall. It is at the right time when there will be a breakthrough, a mighty revival, a parting of the Red Sea moment when we will see the power of God by which He alone will be glorified. Let us trust the Lord everyday and await the great spiritual breakthrough that He will perform, resulting in the safe crossing of many from darkness to the other side of God’s light. In the process, we will also witness the enemy of our souls swallowed by God’s mighty torrent of judgement.

Trust in the Lord, and witness your personal Red Sea moment.

Pastor Ramon

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