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The Risen Christ, Our Life's Purpose

"...and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised." (2 Corinthians 5:15)

What are we living for?

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020, I have heard many times how individuals express what seems to be a greater appreciation of life. They deem themselves fortunate just to be alive at a time when many were reported to have died from this virus. Although the pandemic had brought pangs to what we know all along - death and the brevity of life; I believe life can only be truly appreciated if it is lived in the power of the Risen Christ. In fact, the resurrection of Jesus should bring true meaning and purpose in our lives. The Bible's words are actually prescriptive, not descriptive. The exhortation that "that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised." (2 Corinthians 5:15) points us to that elusive purpose and meaning.

We pursue dreams. But if your ultimate pursuit in life is an earthly dream then you are not working on something that will last. We now see that in this present world. The economy has not fully recovered, the stock market remains volatile, the almighty dollar may lose its value as trillions of dollar notes are being issued as part of the stimulus and new government initiatives. The truth is that money is such a fleeting pursuit, nobody takes wealth beyond this world. Let me tell you one thing: the buck stops at the grave (pun intended). Working for a comfortable retirement? Our retirement years are just a fraction of our lifespan and a blip in eternity. We should have eternity in our radar when we dream of a better life for our loved ones and the people we will leave behind.

The question is not what should we live for but Who should we live for? Jesus’ resurrection is not only a truth to be embraced but a challenge to be taken up.

Live no longer for ourselves but for the One Who died for our sake and was raised from the dead.

The challenge is to live for Jesus, get to know Him, surrender to Him. Once He takes control, He will change you. Your appetite for worldly things will slowly be gone. They will be replaced by an appetite for spiritual aspirations and the kingdom of God. You will also see that you will start loving on people more than you love yourself. You're off to a good start living life's greatest meaning and purpose once you allow Jesus to live His resurrected life in you. Happy Easter!

Pastor Ramon

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