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The Peace of Christmas

“Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” (Luke 2:14)

Merry Christmas Crosswind family! This Christmas, I meditate on the greatest gift ever given and received. The coming of the Christ child was a momentous historical event set in motion by the love of God toward mankind. God gave the gift of Jesus out of His tremendous love for a world in search of an elusive lasting peace. The world that Jesus entered in was in search of peace. It was a time when Roman civilization gave a semblance of peace over barbarism, the so-called “Pax Romana”. On the other hand, the Prince of Peace, Jesus brought the most important peace that will end the chaos and warfare that pervaded mankind since the fall in the garden of Eden. Mankind was engaged in a warfare with his creator. This is something that may be a cause of a theological nuance because many think that sinful man is more a “victim” of the sinful nature that was inherited from Adam. Professing Christians never thought of themselves as combatants in a war with the King of the universe.

If we examine several scripture references from the book of Romans, we see this hostility that unsaved man has toward God. “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God” (Romans 8:7a). Man cannot even assume a neutral position toward God, they are either in hostility or at peace with Him.

Seldom would the dominant country in any war seek to offer the olive branch of peace to the side of the vanquished that in arrogance refuses to surrender. However, that is the picture of benevolence and magnanimity that the Supreme Ruler of the Universe had exhibited in making the first move to make peace with man. The profound truth that the all sufficient God did not give up on us should heighten our appreciation of Him this Christmas season. The only driving force behind such an act is love; the rallying cause is our deliverance; but the first step is reconciling us to Him by the cross through our justification by faith. “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1)”. By faith, man can cease waging war against the Lord, former enemies have been reconciled and made to be His own people. This is the “peace on earth with whom He is pleased” that the angels proclaimed to the shepherds on the first Christmas night. It is not the utopian peace that the world through the globalists of today fabricate. True and lasting peace is justification by faith in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have not done so, put your faith in Jesus and accept Him as Savior and Lord today. Be reconciled to God and receive true lasting peace.

A blessed Christmas to all in Christ,

Pastor Ramon

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