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Breaking a Moral Free Fall

'Thus says the Lord : “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ ' (Jeremiah 6:16) This ancient warning was given by the prophet Jeremiah to the people of Jerusalem because of the nation's moral free fall. They have committed grievous sins and practiced idolatry. In spite of being warned by the prophets of God, they refused to repent and rather chose to defy the Lord by their continuous wickedness. God in His mercy warns a sinful nation and calls them to return to "the ancient paths" leading to righteousness. However, a nation steep in sin and unbelief refuses God's offer and replies "we will not walk in it". As Israel was in the days of Jeremiah, so is America in our time. Just two days ago, congress passed the "equality act" which elevates sexual orientation to the same status and protection as race. It seems harmless at first glance but even without consideration for the fact that God created only two genders, it is devoid of common sense and understanding of the dangers it poses to society. Imagine being a parent of young girls who will be forced to be in the same public restroom with a man who claims to be a woman "deep inside" of him. Women's sports will never be the same as biological women will be in an outright disadvantage against transgender men competing as women. These are obvious pitfalls that the present ruling leftist congress chooses to ignore and of course we know, run contrary to God's creation and are against His scientific and moral laws. We were a nation on a slippery slope before, today, we are in a moral free fall. The word harbinger is defined as something that brings about a major change or foreshadows a future event. It has been a pattern in history that national wickedness is a harbinger to two major events: a spiritual awakening and a nation's destruction. England was in a similar moral free fall right before the Great Awakening led by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield started. This spiritual awakening was characterized by a revival among God's people who demonstrated a real hunger for God which led to a strong fervor for evangelizing the masses. Such spiritual revival is the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit but it takes the catalyst of a few men and women with a strong desire for God to change their world. These are times when we need moral courage to stand against the corruption and evil of the godless few who want to control the many. We will not stand by as these pagan politicians shove their atheistic edicts down our throats and destroy this land. We should incite the church to a prayer revolution so that God will usher in the next Great Awakening and stave off the judgement that this country deserves. The Lord Jesus presently sits at the right hand of the Father and remains to be our defender against the rampant deception of the enemy. Let us raise awareness to the truth that Jesus is our only hope and that He is coming soon. But before He does, let us pray fervently for Him to break our nation's moral free fall and turn people's hearts towards him in genuine repentance. The God of Pentecost is very much alive and able to revive His church once again! Prayerfully, Pastor Ramon

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