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A Day of Darkness

Now it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. Then the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two. And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.’ ” Having said this, He breathed His last. (Luke 23:44-46)

Dear Crosswind Church,

This day marks the solemn observance of Good Friday in all of Christendom. To us followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is not just a day that we commemorate once a year but rather a constant reason for thanksgiving. Jesus died a necessary death in order for us to live and have a relationship with the Father. Through the Lord’s death, three things happened: 1) God’s wrath for sins was poured upon Him (Placation), 2) He atoned for sins He did not commit (Expiation) and He satisfied the justice of a Holy God (Propitiation). No wonder, Jesus’ words were true when He cried “It is finished!” which in its true essence means “Paid in full”! What a perfect salvation made possible by our perfect Savior, Hallelujah!

All synoptic Gospels record that near Jesus’ death on the cross, darkness fell over the land (or the whole earth according to Luke). Jesus’ triumph was temporarily veiled by darkness, when all of human history converged into its central event - God’s justice and mercy met on the cross. The darkness represents the long night before the dawn of His resurrection. The darkness is also a metaphor of our current travails in our earthly journey, as we await the morning of the final resurrection, the redemption of our bodies (Romans 8:23). The Lord Jesus is our forerunner. At the time of His death, “the veil was torn in two”; Matthew and Mark record it was torn from top to bottom. This means He completely fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law and opened the way for us to God’s presence. Three days later, He sealed the deal and received the Father’s stamp of approval through His resurrection. He died so we can be raised in newness of life even in this present darkness. Someday, Jesus will usher us into His eternal dawn and we will be raised incorruptible and will be changed, and our mortal bodies will put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:53-54). What a glorious hope!

May you be encouraged today that the Lord’s death paved the way for us to live in victory EVEN NOW. Praised be the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hope to see you tonight at 7 pm for our Good Friday Service.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Ramon

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