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Writer's pictureramoncrosswind

A Call to Prayer


We have to pray for this nation!

"If at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it,  and if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I intended to do to it." (Jeremiah 18:7-8)

As if election day on November 3 and the days leading to and following it are not perilous enough, the death of Supreme Court justice Ruth Ginsburg last Friday made the U.S. political scene even more messy. The Democrats think that the president should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement justice and that they would vehemently oppose the president and the Republican senate's attempts to fill the vacancy before the election. The Republicans, on the other hand justify the president's act of  appointing a new justice because of the potentially closely-contested November elections. The number of Supreme Court justices should be an odd number of 9 to allow for a tie-breaker in case the next president will be decided by the court. This new political battle adds to the already brewing storm around the outcome of the presidential election that can lead to a mounting uprising and more anarchy in our cities. This new upheaval will be devastating as the country has been hurt and is still barely recovering from the unrest and rioting in the past months. Add the fact that we are still in the middle of a pandemic that remains unresolved with new cases being reported. There are spiritual forces of good and evil that are warring for the soul of this nation. Morality and the embrace of Christian values have been on the decline so much so that America has now become a post-Christian nation. The real battles are not fought in the streets but rather on our knees with the spiritual weapons of warfare provided to us by God. Governmental policies and legislation have removed God from the public square and have supported ungodly lifestyles and the killing of the innocents through abortion. Since 2016, over 40 million babies have been slaughtered by this evil practice. The prophet Isaiah said "woe to them that call evil good, and good evil". Instead of calling abortion outright murder, our present society has turned it into an "essential medical procedure" which is part of a woman's "right" over her body and also a right to choose. I am reminded from the Old Testament of the wrath of God that belongs to those who sacrifice children to the altar of Molech. Abortion definitely is the modern day sacrifice to this demonic god. Since the disastrous landmark Roe Vs Wade decision in 1973, America has become complicit to the death of millions of babies and has invited God's judgement. God's wrath will someday be carried out against these murderous abortion practitioners and a nation that approved of it; that wrath will avenge the murdered innocent babies that have been sacrificed on the altar of abortion.

Behind all these are demonic principalities and princes that have orchestrated the moral generational slide and have overtaken the nation's soul. The leaders, policy makers and officials in high places of government are an unwitting tool used by the Devil himself; their own insatiable greed and desire for power have been leveraged by Satan in the perpetuation of this great evil.

America's judgement is long overdue.

We, as soldiers of the cross of Jesus and as God's remnant in this generation have to rise in one accord, put on our battle gear and push back these diabolical hordes of darkness through our spiritual weapons. The Christian statesman Edmund Burke said "the only necessary thing for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." As the people of God let us be on our knees and wield the sword of the Spirit. Let us pray for godly elements in government to be ordained by God to steer the nation back on the path of righteousness, including the appointment of a new god-fearing justice in the Supreme Court. Let us persevere in asking God for the reversal of Roe Vs Wade. Let us together intercede for this nation, so that evil will no longer prevail and that God will stay His hand and relent from judging this nation in our time. I believe that there is always hope brought about by the fervent prayers of God's people. As seen in the scripture from Jeremiah 18 above, God will relent from His judgement if His people will stand in the gap on behalf of a sinning nation. There is no greater time than now to unite in corporate prayer and plead before our Almighty Father God to save this country from tumultuous days ahead. It is our responsibility as the people of God to pray for God's mercy upon this land not only to delay His judgement but also to pour His Spirit; sparking a revival that will reclaim the soul of this nation and draw men, women and children to saving faith in Jesus.

Prayerfully yours, Pastor Ramon

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