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Pastor Ramon Navarro


The One enthroned in heaven laughs;the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.” (Psalm 2:4-6) The events of the past hours unfolding in Charlottesville, VA has the nation stirred and very concerned. I call on all our CrossWind brothers and sisters to lift our nation in prayer. We are to openly condemn the work of the white supremacist group whose purpose is to put one race in domination over others. Our values as a church run counter to everything this organization stands for and therefore it is our Christian duty to be very clear on the issue of racism and stand against it. We also need to pray for God to put an end to the forces behind the anarchy being perpetuated in the streets of Charlottesville. Our prayer however should be from a position of trust. That nothing surprises God and that amidst the turmoil, He remains seated on the throne. The Messianic Psalm I placed on top of my email is a reminder that the Lord God Almighty sits enthroned and scoffs at those who attempt and conspire to thwart His will. In reality, "thwarting God's will" is a misnomer because nothing and no one can prevail over God's sovereign will. Although the context of this Psalm is Messianic, pertaining to schemes against God and His Anointed One, Jesus - we ought to be reminded that everything that happens is coming to a head to the fulfillment of God's prophetic word leading to the second coming of Christ. Instead of being helplessly aghast over the events of Charlottesville, let us direct our prayers to an expression of trust to God Almighty that He will deliver His people and at the end of the day He will fulfill His plan and glorify His Holy Name. We also need to pray for the salvation unto repentance of those who are at the center of the riots, yes, even for the white supremacists.

Let us stay humble in praying for the families of those who died and let us call to God for the healing of this nation. But do so in a spirit of love, power and a sound mind and not be bound by spirit of timidity and fear. God remains on the throne and scoffs at evil. Remember, the King, Jesus Christ will soon rule the earth! Be at the house of God today. Jesus loves you with an everlasting love! Be richly blessed beloved of the Lord! Love in Christ, Pastor Ramon

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