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Pastor Ramon Navarro

More Than Enough. Just in Time.

“Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage,And He shall strengthen your heart;Wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14)

Looking through my window and watching the snowfall at the end of April reminds me of how the weather is truly weird in Colorado. While spring has sprung in other parts of the country, Spring in Colorado offers more confusion than vegetation! Good thing I haven’t turned my lawn sprinklers on!

While I am pondering on this, I saw a distinct perspective, that of folks wondering about a potential summer drought because of a very mild winter. This late snow to them is actually a welcome precipitation that comes just in time, releasing moisture that is more than enough to make up for a dry winter. It’s about relief that is more than enough, coming just in time!

A lot of times, that is how God answers the prayers of His children. At times, we feel that God seems to choose to wait too long in giving the answer. We count the days to that due date when bills must be paid. We give God a deadline when our long-time prayer should be answered. God however has His way of responding outside our carnal expectations and short-sighted schedules. Though He can respond instantly when we think the answer will come later, He also responds later with a deluge of blessing that comes in a way of relief and even rescue just in the nick of time.

In all this, God is sovereign and knows when to bless us at the right time and the right way. To think of Him as detached, uncaring and unable to deliver the best for His children is a lie that the great D.L. Moody once said “should be driven back to hell where it came from.” Truth is, we can trust God and lay hold of His highest willingness to bless us abundantly in His perfect time.

Still waiting on God? Trust Him and the answer will come with a deluge like the late snow in Colorado – more than enough, just in time!

Have a worshipful weekend in Jesus, beloved in the Lord!

Pastor Ramon

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