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Pastor Ramon Navarro

Why "Good Friday"?

"But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us." (Romans 5:8 AMPC) Why “Good” Friday? As a child, I wondered why the day when we remember the death of the Son of God was called “good”. It appeared by all accounts that the day when sinful men prevailed in killing Jesus Christ was an evil or “bad” day. Good Friday is the supreme example of God’s ways being higher than man’s. In what defies human logic, the humiliation, suffering and execution of Jesus, the highest perpetration of man’s evil in history is the very event that brought about God’s victory in man's behalf. In His obedience to the Father’s will, Jesus brought about the great exchange: 1) He suffered so we won’t have to suffer for our sins 2) He was separated from the Father, so we can be reconciled to Him. 3) He died so we might live. What we call “Good Friday” is the greatest pivotal point in the history of mankind when the Lamb of God took away the sins of the world. The sin problem of man, past, present and future has been settled because of what Jesus did on Calvary. The love of Jesus as shown through His sacrifice on the cross merits our highest remembrance, gratitude, allegiance, and our very lives. Take a moment to thank Jesus today: "Thank you Jesus for suffering and dying for me and that because of your finished work at Calvary, I can now live a life of victory. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit to live a life worthy of Your calling as Your disciple. In Your Name I pray, amen.” God richly bless you beloved in the Lord.

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