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Ramon Navarro

Devotion's Sweet Reward

“ Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’” (John 20:16-17)

I would give up everything to be in the place of Mary Magdalene on that glorious resurrection morning. The dawn was breaking, and Mary in her devotion to Jesus rose early to come to the garden tomb. It must have been the darkest morning of Mary’s life. She woke up probably wishing that the events of the last three days were all just a bad dream. Then as consciousness set in, so did reality, Jesus her Lord was dead.

Yet the love in Mary’s heart continued to burn. Maybe God’s spirit was churning in her in preparation for the great revelation that morning. Maybe her carnal mind drew her to the tomb to pay homage to a dead man but her spirit invoked a sense of anticipation of something unknown yet so beautiful. Then it happened. She heard Jesus sweetly calling: “Mary!”

So many would love to trade places with Mary Magdalene on the first Easter. Surely the Lord eventually appeared to the other disciples, but the fact is Jesus appeared to Mary FIRST! Not to the disciples who Jesus taught, trained and spent most of His time of ministry with. Not to Peter, the leader of this band of Galileans who confessed Jesus was the Christ. Not to John, Jesus' close friend who leaned on His bosom that fateful night. Christ appeared first to Mary. I believe Mary got her reward for her devotion and courage to see the Lord’s body that morning. While the disciples were hiding in cowardice and sulking in despair, Mary, bravely and with great love rose to minister to the Lord. Thus, she received the unique gift of being with the Risen Lord alone in the garden that she would never share with anyone else.

Although we are saved by grace, unwavering devotion has a special reward. Someday, lives wholly dedicated to God will hear the sweet call of the Savior, and wake up one glorious morning with the Son of God in paradise's garden. Be blessed, beloved of the Lord!

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