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Ramon Navarro

The "Who-Are-We?" Factor

In one lively discussion that I had with a dear brother this week about the sufficiency of the grace of God, he posed questions that were typically raised against this doctrine. One question he brought up that was often asked him is this: "Doesn't the teaching that we are saved by grace alone make salvation too easy for us?" I retorted with my usual reply that "salvation is not easy nor cheap because Christ paid its price for us."

I gave the common response, but I realize that such questions posed against grace really come from one dangerous source - religious pride. I remembered the words of a religious friend of mine from New Jersey. She said: "Salvation cannot be that simple, I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO EARN IT!" What makes this statement tragically arrogant and prideful is the the fact that we are so infinitesimally little compared to God - the "Who-Are-We?" factor. People who think that adding their own self-efforts and righteousness to God's saving work have no sense of Who God is. God is so infinitely great and self-sufficient as He is unlimited in what He can do! Who are we to think that we can stand before a Great and Holy Creator God and try to aid Him in some way to save us?

A true sense of God leads to the right sense of who we are. This then leads to an acceptance that we are helpless and in need of deliverance. That is why God offers salvation to mankind through the purchasing power of the blood of Jesus Christ. David in his psalm was right in asking: "What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you visit him?" (Psalm 8:4). Now, we are not infinitesimally small when it comes to God's love. God demonstrated His awesome love for fallen man and that no matter how small we are compared to Him, we were still worth saving! For that, we should give God our highest praise and from our spirit sing the chorus from Charles Wesley's immortal hymn:

"Amazing Love! How can it be? That Thou My God should die for me?" Amen.

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