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About Pastor Ramon


Pastor Ramon was born in Manila, Philippines. He came to saving faith in Jesus Christ at a small Bible study ran by American missionaries in 1981. He sensed the call of God to become a minister even as a young Christian and grew in the faith through the ministries and missions of the local church.

While in college, he was involved in the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ and its Leadership Training Institute. With a passion for studying the Bible, Ramon won the Assemblies of God National Bible quiz held in Cebu City in 1985. He later graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.

After passing the Board exam to be a licensed Civil Engineer in 1989, Ramon started a career in Information Technology through a software company where he also met his wife Guia. He came to the United States in 1993 through a job as an IT professional in New Jersey where he and Guia started a family and lived for 13 years. 

Ramon and his family moved to Colorado in 2006. After a brush with death in 2008, he finally responded to a life-long call to pastoral ministry by leading Bible study groups. He served the local church as a lay minister until his ordination in 2013. He served as a bi-vocational executive pastor at CrossWind church for three years until he was installed as the lead pastor in January of 2017. In 2020, Ramon left his secular job as Vice President at Bank of America Merrill Lynch to serve the Lord full time.

Ramon's seminary training is with Southeast Asia Theological Schools (SEATS) where he earned his Masters degree (MMin) in Missional Ecclesiology. He is presently working on his doctorate (DMin) in Ministry. 

Ramon and Guia have been married for over 25 years and have two children – Josiah Emmanuel and Jeremiah Daniel. The whole family is presently serving at CrossWind Church.


About CrossWind Church


CrossWind is an intercultural church in the Metro Denver area with a vision of "Advancing the Kingdom of God by Fulfilling Christ's Great Commission Through all Generations". Our mission is described in three words: Seek, Strengthen and Send. SEEK - We fulfill Jesus’ mission of seeking and saving the lost in our communities and the nations. We are about welcoming and loving people, after all, everyone is precious in God’s eyes and created in His own image. STRENGTHEN - We strengthen new believers in Jesus by establishing them on a path of growth in their relationship with Him. SEND – We are a missional church that reaches out to our community and the unreached nations with the Gospel of Jesus.


For more information, check out our website: or our Facebook page, Crosswind Church Denver. Hope to meet you and that you find home with us.

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